How paint makes a huge difference: Matthews Paint System
To purchase signs from any wholesale source it helps to understand what you are really buying. Paint is a “big deal”.

Very few types of paint are developed for signs. They are targeted to houses, cars, industrial applications. Signs are different, they are rarely washed, never waxed and need to look good in the entire range of weather situations. Also, color matching is a constant challenge, from the day it matches the unique corporate color, to the day a new tenant panel needs to exactly match. Yep paint is challenging and few companies do “color” well.
We use the Matthews Paint System. It has been specifically developed for the signage industry. This system is a system of reducers, thinners, bases, pigments, and primers. We can match any colors. Over 90,000 existing colors plus the ones that have not been imagined yet. We also have a huge database of colors referenced to the Fortune 500 and many many other famous brands. This paint is designed for the extreme demands of architectural, commercial and outdoor sign applications.

Using this paint is not easy. A high quality paint booth is required, the mixing station is extensive, and the training requirements are intense. We have one of the best painter around.
Spending a little more for excellent paint may seem like a more costly “buy” but it is not. The quality will excite your customer and more importantly, after a hard winter, this paint will looks great. Using a type of paint not designed for signs wont. Repainting a sign will exceed all the savings of using an inferior paint.
Want to know more? Give us a call 760-730-5118