A furniture store named Pirch needs 3 channel letter sets
Lighthouse Sign Company is a small startup in its 2nd year. They have worked very hard to establish a great customer base. This means a great web site, networking over Zoom in the middle of COVID.

All this hard work means Lighthouse gets leads they can not capitalize on yet, or they could not if they were not using us. We act as the manufacturing arm of Lighthouse. We work through a process to create 3 sets of channel letters to compliment the vinyl windows done inhouse.
This starts with a phone call and a concept sent in an email. From this we helped put together workable, manufacturable concepts. After working through a number of variations. Once the end-user approves the drawing we started working on a permit package.
The permit package varies buy city and state, but is generally a site map, an electrical layout, an attachment or mounting plane, a drawing showing the size, location and type of sign. In this case an electrical usage calculation and an application was required. This was submitted to the city and approved

Channel letters have a number of manufacturing steps, the backs and the faces are CNC routed. Then the sides or returns are shaped. The returns and the backs are clinched together to form each letter. Then LEDs are mounted inside, the acrylic faces have an edge added called a trim cap and this is carefully joined.
The UL testing and labels are added, a paper pattern is created, the whole set is tested, inspected and packaged for shipment.
Need a channel letter set?
Give us a call 760-730-5118