Need a sign cabinet? What size?
This customer had a challenge, The reason for the sale was to replace several exiting rust out cabinets. They were unique when they were built in the 1970s. The normal answer would be to junk the old sign and put up a new one, but that was not possible. Pylons like this were

once common, but the cities do not like them and years ago changed the sign ordnances. No new pylon signs are allowed. The city was pressuring to “repair or remove” and they would have been happier with “remove”. But this sign have a tremendous value to the property. It is a great (admittedly now ugly) advertising tool. Repair would mean keeping the odd ball I-beam structure, the mounting method and replacing the rust out cabinets. We needed to reproduce a unique cabinet last made in the 1970s. A good customer ordered the cabinets – 3 sets. Each is a matched set that replaces old cabinets on a 1970s pylon.
It starts with a consultation. We reversed engineered the old cabinets and then improved them. The better materials (Aluminum vs galvanized) better lighting (Florescent vs LED) and better faces (Acrylic vs Polycarbonate), with the tenant configuration that they really needed but never had.

Each cabinet is made to remount on the existing I beam construction. When the 2 cabinets are mounted, we also provided a cover to finish the “look”. It appears the I-beams run through one double sided cabinet.
These cabinets are made from extrusion for strength, miter cut to the correct sizes and assembled.
We make several types:
– cabinets with Extruded sides
– Cabinets with tubular frames
– Cabinets constructed like a channel letter called logo boxes
Faces come in a number of types
– Push through faces
– Acrylic faces
– Polycarbonate (Lexan) faces

These are polycarbonate for a couple of reasons, Polycarbonate comes in larger sizes that Acrylic, we needed the larger sizes. Also, the cabinets are configured for different tenant signs, the blanks match the larger faces and are also polycarbonate
The old cabinets were florescent. We could have made the new cabinets the same way, but the cost of LEDs plus the long life, brighter light and lack of maintenance makes the florescent option less appealing that the LEDs
We painted the cabinets white per the customer’s request. The white paint inside the cabinets is different and special. The paint inside is designed to reflect light and makes the cabinet brighter and required fewer LEDs. The LEDs and power supplies are top quality. Cheaper materials are available, but you don’t want them. I single service call wipes out any potential savings from using cheap Chinese knockoffs.
Do you have a “challenge”? Are you frustrated with generic offerings that fail to meet the requirements? Do you need help figuring out the requirements? Call us for details with your job specifications. 760-730-5118