Monument Signs
A lot of people do not know the name, but they know a monument sign when they see one. Also called ground signs, entrance signs, marker signs or freestanding signs, these are permanent signs not attached to a building and with a low overall height. That leaves a lot of room for variation.

Monument Signs are common when property/ies and tenants are located farther away from the street. They normally mark an entrance, street, or driveway so passersby or visitors can see their location. By setting a tone and branding the location, they create a stronger presence for the buildings and occupants. Monument signs are common in shopping malls, business parks, residential neighborhoods, and other locations like churches.

At Signs for America, we make a wide variety of monument signs for different customers. These range from the understated, sophisticated residential monuments to the bold and wild monuments. We often use architecture elements from the associated buildings to create the look you desire. In shopping malls and business parks, monuments have insert faces to advertise the businesses. These spaces are often rented to the businesses or used as an enticement to attract and keep larger tenants.
The difference between Signs for America and most other sign companies is we have a full manufacturing ability. What makes that different about us?
- We bring in raw materials such as aluminum sheets and tubes, cut, weld, and build these into monuments.
- We normally build from engineered drawings, where the wind loads, footing depths, and sizes are all calculated.
- We use LEDs and electrical, sometime solar power, in these monuments.
- We have the welders, professional painting, and the licenses and certification (UL certification, Contractors licensing, and LA Certified Fabrication license) to do this manufacturing.
Many many sign companies come to us with their projects. We extend their abilities and release their potential
Do you have a unique project or a vision for signage like this? We would love to work with you at Signs for America.