University of California, Riverside

Signs for America just completed this project.

UCR’s College of Humanities, newest art addition is an interactive sculpture created by San Diego-based artist Roy McMakin. The message of “Things Change” or “Change Things” will be featured on steel signs mounted on steel poles, and will be scattered around a seating area. This project will make the space between the INTN and Arts buildings an interactive, thoughtful space for students.

Officially titled “Arts Mall: Roy McMakin Art Installation,” covers roughly 5,000 square feet. The sculpture is designed to encourage students and visitors to reflect on their day and the world around them and serves as a marker or entry point for the campus.

Final Assembly

Things change. Signs for America helped realize the artist, Roy McMakin’s, goals in a large, multi-disciplined effort.

Final Assembly Windmill

Signs for America constructed a windmill. Can your sign company make a windmill? We can and also more.

Final Assembly Windmill Detail

Exposing the design and construction was important to the artist. This made an intriguing modern art display.